Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense® allows you to very rapidly discover Business Insights which traditional procedural query-based and report-based Business Intelligence tools fail to provide. With Qlik Sense® you're not restricted to subsets or partial views of your data; instead you get a dynamic 360° view of all of your business data; all reacting together and all in one place. Once you're familiar with freely exploring your data in this way you will want to add more and more information to your solution. Easily answered business questions lead to better and better business decisions which naturally garners more questions. This cyclical process quickly pushes your business forward.

Qlik Sense® is truly multi-device ready; from your desktop to your laptop, or on your tablet or mobile phone. It automatically adjusts to the device you're using without any additional development, giving access to your data and analytics anywhere, anytime. Qlik Sense® is our preferred tool for delivery of Business Intelligence. The roadmap for Qlik Sense® gets more and more exciting and innovative with each release; again we would suggest you have a look around the Qlik website by clicking the logo on our About Qlik page. The embedded informational video clips are particularly informative. In 2019 Qlik revealed their new SaaS Data Analytics offerings Qlik Sense Business® and Qlik Sense Enterprise® which are providing powerful, simplified engagement for the majority of their new users. In 2020 Qlik Data Transfer® was introduced, the SaaS offerings becoming even more efficient and powerful; allowing seamless transfer of on-premise data to the cloud.